A tough-skinned beast once roamed through the golden savannas and waded in the cool waters. Its horn, piercing the sky proudly as the beast foraged in the wide grasslands. However, the grasslands grew empty when the western black rhino was officially declared extinct in 2011. Though the cause of the western black rhino’s extinction has been attributed to poaching and the illegal wildlife trade, it is important to recognize that habitat loss and human activities such as the construction of settlements without the consideration of the impacts on wildlife plays a significant role in the loss of biodiversity. But why is biodiversity important, especially with the establishment of zoos to conserve species? In the wild, biodiversity or the variety of life, increases productivity in an ecosystem, allowing for each organism to aid one another and recover from environmental threats. Additionally, biodiversity also ensures resources, not only for the environment, but for people to utilize as well. To illustrate, people rely on biodiversity for medicinal purposes, such as herbs and natural remedies.
Despite the overall importance of biodiversity to maintain healthy ecosystems and provide abundant resources for people to use, we are experiencing a rapid decline in biodiversity. According to the UN’s 3rd Global Biodiversity Outlook, factors such as climate change, habitat loss, pollution, exploitation of resources, and the introduction of invasive species are the most intensifying pressures in reducing biodiversity. Of course, these words do not paint the most colorful picture in one’s mind, and they may seem like another regurgitation of the looming, ongoing environmental threat over us, but these causes are constantly addressed because their effects in reducing biodiversity can be limited through our actions. Yes, with the spread of consumer culture and the pressing need to provide for a growing population, it is not likely we will be able to stop the reduction of biodiversity in its entirety. However, we hold the potential to reduce the escalation of biodiversity loss through conservation campaigns, content creation to spread awareness regarding environmental issues, promotion of the use of eco-friendly products to prevent contamination of rivers and lakes due to the exposure of chemicals, construction of fences or signs in order to safeguard sensitive habitats in your local community, use of natural products for pest control, and encouragement to leave plants and animals undisturbed in their natural habitats.
Though the loss of biodiversity seems like a towering, overwhelming threat that may cause others to turn the other way, following the practices above will help ensure a vibrant, noisy spring in the future.
Yarely Aguilar
The Carbon Newsprint 5/28/21
