Let me paint a picture for you. You wake up to an annoying alarm sound coming from your charging phone. You disable the alarm and unplug your now fully charged phone. You walk into your kitchen and open the fridge, looking for some form of breakfast. You heat up your left-over waffles in your toaster, pour a cup of coffee from the maker and head off to work. This sounds like an average morning for most people and what most people don’t realize is how much non-renewable energy we as humans use daily.

Only 11% of Americans get their energy from a renewable source such as solar or wind technologies. In recent years solar energy has become a growing trend for people looking to reduce their carbon footprint, but the biggest setback has been the price of buying and installing solar panels. To combat this issue, solar power plants have started popping up around the country and these power plants allow people to get their energy from the sun without installing anything on their roofs. Switching to a renewable energy source is now more attainable making the switch a virtual no-brainer. 😉