Now that spring is upon us, the CDC and their guidelines have altered in order for students to finally come back to school. As schools are opening up to all students after spring break, many questions remain. Will there be enough room for every student? Are masks required? Would students have to sit six feet or three feet apart? These are questions that students and parents are desperately waiting to be answered.
According to the CDC, three feet apart is something they are moving forward with, so that means that desks can be that of that distance apart. This raises many questions among students and parents, as not every student and their parent feel comfortable with that.
Masks, of course, will still be required within the school building, and it seems to be that even after everyone receives the vaccine, they will still have to wear a mask. This seems to also raise many environmental questions, as more and more people are incidentally dispersing their masks in parks, beaches, and sidewalks, which can harm animals.
And finally, vaccines. More and more people are becoming qualified to receive the vaccine, and soon, an average citizen will be able to receive one for free. According to President Biden, we should expect most people in the United States to have the vaccine before or around May 1st. Many new changes are occurring, and it seems that we are slowly but surely getting back on track.
