Renewable energy is clean energy that comes from sources that are constantly replenished or restored. While commercial production of renewable energy is something quite new, use of renewable energy in various ways is not so new. Using nature's power for heating, transportation, lighting, and more has been going on for a long time. Using wind to power boats to sail the seas and windmills to grind grain. Use of sunlight to provide warmth during the day and kindle fires during the evening. But as humans looked for less time consuming and more efficient ways of doing things, they turned to dirtier non-renewable sources such as coal, and fracked gas. The most popular and effective renewable sources are solar energy, wind energy. Other alternative sources are hydroelectric power, biomass energy, geothermal energy, and the oceans. Biomass energy and hydroelectric power can create some negative effects on the environment, which makes them not the best options for renewable energy.
Nonrenewable energy includes fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal. Nonrenewable sources are only available in certain amounts and take a long time to be restored. These sources are typically found in some parts of the world, making them more accessible in some nations than others. On the other hand, every country has access to sunshine and wind. Many of these nonrenewable energy sources can endanger the environment and human health. For example, oil drilling might require strip-mining forests, the technology associated with fracking can cause earthquakes and water pollution, and coal power plants can foul the air. And most importantly, all of these activities contribute to global warming.
Renewable sources are never going to vanish as long as the rules of nature stays true. It will only protect and preserve our climate for future generations. Even though it will take some time for us to develop an efficient way to provide electricity from renewable sources to everyone in the world. But everyday we are working towards a better future. So, all of us who have access to renewable energy should reduce the use of dirty energy sources if possible and avoid it completely.

Zahin Tasnin The Carbon Newsprint