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Reduce the Use of Plastic

Zahin Tasnin

According to the EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency), in 2018 the US alone generated 37.5 million tons of plastic. Majority of it, around 27 million tons of plastic ended up as landfill. We often encounter giant amounts of plastic around us on beaches, and on the side of the roads. The major problem with plastic bags is that it can take many many years for plastic to decompose. While staying on land, it can also toxicate the soil by releasing hazard substances to the ground because of the heat from sunlight.

If the plastic is burnt, then it can release the substance in the air, and pollute our breathing air. According to IBA (International Bar Association), some fish living in the seas and oceans consume plastic bags confusing it with food. These kinds of situations can destroy their digestive system and may cause them to choke, starve and produce infections. If plastic bags are not disposed properly, they can cause littering and end up blocking the stormwater drainage. Plastics not only destroy the environment but also can toxicate our food chain by being consumed by fish, and other animals.

So, how can we prevent the world from destroying our environment any further? There are few ways you can support your community and your country by making a few changes in your lifestyle. You can start by reducing the use of plastic bags in your groceries. Instead of buying groceries with a lot of packing, buy a few cotton, or reusable plastic bags. Instead of buying coffee each morning from the cafe in a single use plastic cup, make your own coffee at home using reusable mugs. Become more productive and have your handmade healthy food with reusable tools instead of buying takeouts that come with one time use plastics.

Zahin Tasnin

The Carbon Newsprint



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