Ozone depletion is the thinning out of the ozone layer that sits in the upper atmosphere. It is caused by Chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs), halons and gasses that are released into the atmosphere.
The ozone layer absorbs ultravoilent radilation from the sun. When the CFCs and halons are released into the atmosphere, it breaks down ozone molecules which reduces the ozone’s absorption of ultravoilent radiation size. Humans and animals are then exposed to the harmful ultravpoilent radiation which causes skin cancer, eye damage and many others.
During various lockdowns across the globe,the ozone layer has been healing at places such as Antarctica, but we will soon go back to the harmful practices after the measures put to fight COVID-19 have been lifted. We can help protect the ozone layer and manage ozone depletion by avoiding the use of products that release Chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) such as cosmetics, hairspray and room fresheners, recycling plastic and rubber products to avoid burning them, replacing chemical fertilizers with organic ones in agriculture and many more.
Dont forget that every little step taken goes a long way in creatInt a better world for us and future generations

Image Credit:NASA
License:Public Domain