Invasive species are a huge threat to the environment and ecosystem, second most to be exact, according to the United Nations Development Program.
Invasive species are animals who migrate and try to take over another species’ habitat. This is done through means of the foreign species attacking native animals and stealing their food. Once they successfully invade a foreign habitat, they will reproduce, colonize their environment, introduce diseases to other species, and deplete the biodiversity of their new environment.
In addition to threatening the wellbeing of the ecosystem they invade, invasive species also pose a threat to the availability of the resources we as humans take from the animals and their habitats. If these resources become unavailable, our economy and the market for said resource will crash and deeply affect the state of the market as well as its rehabilitation.
According to the National Ocean Service, Invasive species are capable of causing extinctions of native plants and animals, reducing biodiversity, competing with native organisms for limited resources, and altering habitats.
Below is a list of simple cautionary measures we can take to prevent the arrival of invasive species;
Clean any fishing or hiking equipment (in case you accidentally caught a foreign species and didn’t notice)
Be careful when handling firewood or anything of the sorts, bugs and insects will hide inside the wood and shouldn’t be transported elsewhere.
Fish using native bait to the area you are visiting
Clean your boat, skidoo, water/jet ski etcetera after use.
Check your body and your gear regularly when hiking
Avoid releasing animals into national areas, find alternative and humane options to release the animal.
Stay up to date on which invasive species you should be on the lookout for and make sure to report them to the proper authorities upon sighting them.

[Photo creds.]