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Disappearing Sparrows

Arhana R

The house sparrow is the most adored and most commonly found bird species in urban cities. In fact, the national capital of India, New Delhi adopted sparrows as its national bird.

Where have the sparrows disappeared? As the concrete jungle spreads across cities and semi urban spaces, hundreds of sparrows have taken a flight to never come back. A study in The Condor: Ornithological Applications finds that some sparrow species will go extinct within the century due to climate change. If it wasn't clear, this is very bad news.

Rapid urbanization, diminishing ecological resources for sustenance, high levels of pollution and emissions from microwave towers

are some of the many reasons why climate change is affecting lives of birds and other animals.

Sparrow is a symbol of loyalty in Japan owing to its friendly nature and ability to live in groups. One could think of it as a metaphor for humans to live in harmony with nature and being loyal to the earth.

Every year we celebrate the World Sparrow Day on 20th of March of this exact cause. These small passerine birds. This sparrow day let's all join are hands and walk towards a better future by doing our bit in controlling climate change!

Arhana R

The Carbon Newsprint



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