The severity of climate change is growing every day. People believe by planting trees, we could see change…but how big is this change & will planting more trees make a change?
A recent study from Journal Science sought to provide the estimated potential of restoring forest land as a possible strategy for battling climate change. The research team led by Jean-Francois Bastin of ETH-Zurich in Switzerland found Earth ecosystem could support about 2.2 billion acres of forest(25% more forest than the current amount). With 25% more forest, we could negate 20 years of human-produced carbon emissions at the current rate aka 50% of all carbon emitted by humans since 1960.
These percentages look intriguing. The outlook of forest restoration is slim. Planting enough trees to cover the amount could take 1 to 2 thousand years, a time we do not have. Currently, Earth’s forests and soil absorb about 30% of carbon emissions, particularly through forest productivity. Earth loses about 18 million acres of land each year. The University of Michigan estimates 90% of indigenous forests have been removed since 1600. Restoration could be a benefit but could be a hassle due to the amount of forest loss and at the rate, it has been lost.
Trees could help erase carbon emissions for a few years but do not eliminate climate change. Other components could also negatively affect the restoration of forests. Restoration of more trees is an alternative when debating how to battle climate change, but should not be the main focus on eliminating climate change.

Brianna G
The Carbon Newsprint