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Climate Change Impacts the Winter Olympics!


The effects of the environment are far reaching, even the Winter Olympics are not immune to the effects of climate change. This years 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is being held with 100% artificial snow. This is a first, but we may see many future Olympics being forced to be held like this in the future. Several winter activities, such as some of the outdoor sports on exhibit, are already being impacted by climate change. As a result of warming temperatures, winters are warming quicker than summers on average, and northern latitudes are warming faster than equatorial regions. This has an obvious effect on the sports that require steady ice and snow. Therefore- only a few places may be reliably cold enough to hold future Winter Olympics with adequate snow and ice.

The Winter Olympics issue reflects a larger issue about global warming. Each summer, more snow and ice melts as a result of global warming. After this, the ocean and land beneath the ice becomes visible if the ice melts. The ocean and land absorb more incoming solar radiation because they are darker in color, and the heat is released to the atmosphere. This contributes to increased global warming. Additionally, melting glaciers and ice sheets contributes significantly to sea level rise, as water that was previously trapped on land is released into the oceans. Overall, as global warming continues, more of its effects will impact parts of society.

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