Recently, more and more companies are switching to paper straws. On a recent trip to Disney World, I noticed that paper straws were the only option in all their restaurants and cafes. It made me think of all the other places I’ve started noticing that carry only paper straws. Are paper straws really better for the environment, though?
Plastic straws can take up to hundreds of years to decompose in landfills and the ocean. On the other hand, paper straws start biodegrading in just a few days. Paper straws are also far less harmful to marine life because while plastic can sit in animals’ stomachs and never break down, paper straws will completely degrade within 6 months. The use of paper straws also helps to reduce the amount of plastic we use. Think of all the places you see plastic straws on a daily basis. What if they all started offering only paper straws? While straws are only part of the plastic problem, the more we can do to reduce our plastic usage, the better. While using paper still produces waste and contributes to other issues such as deforestation, it is a much better alternative to plastic. Paper straws are relatively affordable and can be found online and at many stores. In conclusion, paper straws are the better alternative. We should all play our part in helping the environment. Choosing paper straws may seem like a small step, but small steps like these can add up to create bigger change.

The Carbon Newsprint
Emma L